You are here: Darmstadt16 / Tagungsort / Tagungsbüro

Conference Office

The conference office will be located in room S1 / 02-36 of the West Wing in the Old Main Building, S1 / 03, College Street 3.

You will find the exact location in the following maps:

Campus Map
Room overview Audimax
Room overview Maschinenhaus

Tagungsbüro/Conference Office
Tagungsbüro auf der Jahrestagung 2015 (© DPG / Röhl)

The opening hours are the following:
Monday 14.03.2016 07.30 h - 19.00 h
Tuesday 15.03.2016 08.00 h - 16.00 h
Wednesday 16.03.2016 08.00 h - 16.00 h
Thursday 17.03.2016 08.00 h - 16.00 h
Friday 18.03.2016 08.00 h - 12.00 h

You will receive the login-password for using WiFi at the university, the conference ticket (receipt for conference fee), the programme and your name tag at the conference office. The name tag must be worn visibly during the entire conference.

The organizers, staff of the conference desk and the student assistants will be identifiable by colored Ф-t-shirts and name tags. Please contact them if you have any questions.


Conference participants who have registered in advance and paid the conference fee will receive their confirmation of participation 2 weeks before the conference. This confirmation contains a barcode. You must bring this confirmation letter with you to the conference and have it ready for registration. You can print out your conference pass yourself in the conference office on the basis of the barcode.

This process will speed up the registration procedure in the conference office. This requires you to have transferred the conference fee to the specified account on time.